Monday, May 30, 2011


Well it has officially been announced to the world, so I will add it here as well. We are going to be having our first baby on December 11th. It is very surreal but we are super excited. I've had my first ultrasound at 8weeks 1day and got to see the little heartbeat. Wednesday is my 2nd appointment and Tim is planning on going with me, so I hope to have another ultrasound so he can see the little one. I've been feeling great, no morning sickness and my tiredness is wearing off.
.....more to come...

Saturday, April 23, 2011

I'm Back!

There has been quite a time gap from the last time I blogged and many things have happened since I blogged. We are officially married now and have been for almost a year...May 1st!!! I started to play roller derby again, but had to quit AGAIN. This has been a rough school year for me, and I am so glad it is almost over (21 school days, but who's counting!) My oldest brother proposed to his girlfriend Brooke right before Thanksgiving last year, so I am very excited for them. My little brother will be graduating college December this year, yea! Well, that is it for today. I plan on being back on here at least once a week. See you then!